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Frequently Asked Questions
The Hawaiian Kingdom is the legal government of the Hawaiian Islands. Hawaii has been under prolonged illegal occupation by the United States since 1898.
Established in 1795The Hawaiian Kingdom was established by Kamehameha I.
Our GoalOur goal is to provide services to Hawaiian nationals of every race, ethnicity, religion, and background, as well as to people visiting the Hawaiian Islands.
The Future of the Hawaiian
How will a sovereign Hawaii
Our History
Ancient Hawaii
Polynesians first came to the Hawaiian Islands around 2,000 years ago in voyaging canoes, guided by the stars.
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Founding of the
In 1795 King Kamehameha I united the Hawaiian Islands and founded the Hawaiian Kingdom.
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The Kalakaua Dynasty
In 1879 King Kalakaua built ʻIolani Palace using architectural and artistic influences from around the world in combination with Hawaiian ingenuity.
Hawaii's Immigrant History
The Hawaiian Kingdom has a long and proud history of immigrants coming from other Pacific Islands, Asia, Europe, and elsewhere. Immigrants have made critical contributions to the Hawaiian Kingdom, and many are proud Hawaiian nationals and patriots. Learn more
A brief overview of Hawaii's history:
Genocide against Hawaiians, with Dr. Haunani-Kay Trask
Hawaiian opposition to U.S. annexation, with Dr. Lynette Cruz
Denationalization against Hawaiians, with Dr. Willie Kauai
Recommended Reading: The Basis for the Restoration of the Hawaiian Kingdom
Hawaiian Kingdom Worldwide Support:
History of Hawaiian Independence, with Dr. Ron Williams
The 1993 Apology Resolution
In 1993 U.S. President Bill Clinton signed the Apology Resolution which provided an official apology on behalf of the United States for its role in the illegal overthrow of the peaceful and friendly Hawaiian Kingdom.
The Lance Larsen v. Hawaiian Kingdom case at the Permanent Court of Arbitration
In 2001 at the Permanent Court of Arbitration Lance Larsen, a Hawaiian national, filed a case against the Hawaiian Kingdom, stating that the Kingdom was not protecting his rights as a Hawaiian subject. Dr. Keanu Sai and a team of other Hawaiian legal experts represented the Hawaiian Kingdom in the case. The Court indicated that the Hawaiian Kingdom is the legal government of the Hawaiian Islands.
Further Reading:
"The American Occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom," by Dr. Keanu Sai. University of Hawaii at Manoa. Ph.D. Dissertation. 2008.
"Experts Validate Legitimacy of International Law Case." Ka Wai Ola o OHA Newspaper, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, August 2004.
"The American Occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom," by Dr. Keanu Sai. University of Hawaii at Manoa. Ph.D. Dissertation. 2008.
"Experts Validate Legitimacy of International Law Case." Ka Wai Ola o OHA Newspaper, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, August 2004.
Duke University Press Publishes Nation Within
In 2003 Duke University Press published Nation Within: The Story of America's Annexation of the Nation of Hawaii, by Tom Coffman, marking the first time a major university press published a work on the subject of the illegal U.S. annexation of Hawaii. The book has been revised and updated twice since then, most recently in 2016.
First Hawaiian nominated for the Nobel Peace
In 2016 H.E. Leon Siu became the first Hawaiian ever to be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize due to his work on the West Papua case.
National Education Association recognizes
Hawaiian Kingdom
In 2017 the National Education Association recognized the illegal occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom.
The Alfred de Zayas Memos
In February of 2018 Dr. Alfred de Zayas, United Nations Independent Expert, penned a memo addressed to United States government officials stating that Hawaii is an independent country and should be treated as such. Below is a copy of the letter in full.
In December 2018 Dr. de Zayas wrote another memorandum, this time to the United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, and the Member States of the United Nations.
Hawaii County Council Woman Speaks Out
In 2018 Jen Ruggles, a member of the Hawaii County Council, voiced her concerns that the U.S. occupation of the Hawaiian Islands is illegal, thus the U.S. has the duty under international law to implement the laws of occupation.
National Lawyers Guild recognizes Hawaiian
On March 3, 2019 the National Lawyers Guild recognized the Hawaiian Kingdom in forming the Hawaiian Kingdom subcommittee.
UN Official Dr. Alfred de Zayas supports the
Hawaiian Kingdom
Hawaiiʻs Sovereignty Discussed, with Dr. Keliʻi Akina
Hawaii's work at the United Nations:
The connection between Hawaii and West Papua:
Changing Hawaii's Narrative:
Let us take up
The honorable struggle
Do not be afraid
Be steadfast in aloha
For your land
And be united in thought
Protest forever
The annexation of Hawaii
Until the very last
Patriot lives."
- James Kaulia, Hawaiian national
Interested in sharing about Hawaii to your business, organization, or school? We have speakers available who specialize in all areas of Hawaiian studies. We have spoken at numerous venues around the world, including the United Nations, the European Union, the Pacific Islands Forum, Capitol Hill, the Japan Diet, Yale University, and many more! Please contact us to request a speaker at your event. [email protected]
Further Reading:
Boyle, Francis, Restoring the Kingdom of Hawaii
Coffman, Tom A Nation Within: The History of the American Occupation of Hawaiʻi
Craven, Matthew. Continuity of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Reader in International Law. SOAS University of London. 2002.
Goodyear-Kaʻopua, Noelani, A Nation Rising
Liliuokalani, Hawaiiʻs Story by Hawaiiʻs Queen
Sai, Keanu. "American Occupation of the Hawaiian State: A Century Unchecked," Hawaiian Journal of Law and Politics, vol. 1 (Summer 2004), Heinonline.
Sai, Keanu. The American Occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom. University of Hawaii at Manoa. PhD Dissertation.
Sai, Keanu. "A slippery path towards Hawaiian indigeneity." Journal of Law and Social Challenges. San Francisco School of Law. Fall 2008.
Sai, Keanu. "Experts Validate Legitimacy of International Law Case." Ka Wai Ola o OHA Newspaper, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, August 2004.
Sai, Keanu. The myth of ceded lands and the state's claim to perfect title. Ka Wai Ola o OHA Newspaper, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, April 2009.
Stannard, David. American Holocaust
Trask, Haunani-Kay. From a Native Daughter
Coffman, Tom A Nation Within: The History of the American Occupation of Hawaiʻi
Craven, Matthew. Continuity of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Reader in International Law. SOAS University of London. 2002.
Goodyear-Kaʻopua, Noelani, A Nation Rising
Liliuokalani, Hawaiiʻs Story by Hawaiiʻs Queen
Sai, Keanu. "American Occupation of the Hawaiian State: A Century Unchecked," Hawaiian Journal of Law and Politics, vol. 1 (Summer 2004), Heinonline.
Sai, Keanu. The American Occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom. University of Hawaii at Manoa. PhD Dissertation.
Sai, Keanu. "A slippery path towards Hawaiian indigeneity." Journal of Law and Social Challenges. San Francisco School of Law. Fall 2008.
Sai, Keanu. "Experts Validate Legitimacy of International Law Case." Ka Wai Ola o OHA Newspaper, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, August 2004.
Sai, Keanu. The myth of ceded lands and the state's claim to perfect title. Ka Wai Ola o OHA Newspaper, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, April 2009.
Stannard, David. American Holocaust
Trask, Haunani-Kay. From a Native Daughter